Saturday, August 05, 2006

This Will Probably be My Last Post

Hey Y'all! Well blogging isn't really for me. It's not something that I feel really comfortable doing and I would much rather talk with you guys individually or email. So that is what I will do. If you'd like to email or call you can get me and if I don't have your phone # then you can send it to me! That way we can keep in touch. Even my Mom says that talking on the phone with me and my emails are very different. I know with the blogging thing that I didn't do a good job keeping up at it and that I never wrote enough. Oh well! Such is life.

Anyways these days after finishing City Year, yay, I've been sorta busy. Workin' at TJ's 4-5 days er week. I've sent in my application for Americorps. I applied to 10programs and heard back from 4. At this point 3 will probably ask me to join,but I can't really get my hopes up cause the last time I did that I got rejected. So I wait. I have a few things to finish on the application and I have to record my nterview questions for one of the programs this weekend so they can see me and such. It'll be weird I'm sure.

I had a great vacation with my folks, sister and brother. They, my siblngs have blogs about their respective journeys so please check them out. There are links on my page. It was great to see them. My sister has been living in ISrael and my brother lived in Tibet and China for the past 10 months or so. They had lots of stories to tell us and funny stuff. I also got to meet Diane, Jon's girlfirend, who seems like a lovely woman and a nice person. I hope things work out for them.

Minnesota was nice. Whoever has spread those lies that Minnesota has giant mutant mosquitos can kiss my ass! I was all preparedto get eaten alive but no, not a single bug bite. Then I come back to Philly and I got maybe 25 bites already. Well I think the mutant mosquitos are a lie. So there!

I have to work next week, will hopefully hear where I will be going and then I'm taking off to see my GRandpa and my best friend Jake. It should be fun. Then I will come back to Philly to work for another week, pack up all my shit and move. Unless I get into the program in Seattle, then I will hang out hear for a few weeks before I go.

So I think that is about it. Keep in touch. Who knows maybe I will keep this blog alive?
